PWS: Building Secure Financial Legacies
We advance the practice of asset management, leveraging unique asset classes, helping families to grow wealth for a secure retirement and a lasting financial legacy.
We are advisors, scientists, technologists, and servants, first and foremost.
We believe that life is ultimately a positive-sum game and that our main purpose on earth is to serve others. Combining our diverse talents, we’ve created a superior estate planning system that benefits clients and advisors.
Meet our CEO
Casey is an advanced estate planner for multiple high net worth families. He has institutional experience in Investment Banking (Truist Securities), private equity (Koch Industries) and Treasury Management (Northwest Mutual).
Over the years, Casey has identified the problems impacting portfolio sustainability and archaic risk-mitigation.
Casey has developed and is deeply passionate about helping families and organizations implement a sustainable solution.
Casey Nickels
Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Meet our team
Jon Higbie, PhD.
C0-founder, Chief Operations Officer
Dr. Jon Higbie is a highly respected Data Science Leader as well as a 3x finalist for the the most prestigious honors in applied analytics, the Franz Edleman award. He has experience as founder and key leader of multiple Cloud SaaS startups and holds 6 US and International patents.
Have Questions?
Let’s start the conversation. Tell a bit yourself and send your inquiry to us. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.